The Chakras
In yoga, reiki, and ayurveda, you often hear mention of the 7 chakras. In western medicine you don’t hear about the chakras very much, so what are they?
The 7 chakras are energy centers in our body that start at the base of our spine and continue to the crown of our head. Each of the chakras are associated with different body parts, illnesses, and emotions. They also have colors, gemstones, and smells.
Sanskrit Name: Muladhara
Color: Red
Location: Base of spine
Scent: Patchouli, cloves
Gemstone: Bloodstone, hematite, garnet
Balanced: Feeling secure, stable, healthy, and safe
Unbalanced: Low energy, alienated, and easily angered
Sanskrit Name: Swadhisthana
Location: Hips/Pelvic Area
Color: Orange
Scent: Tangerine, bergamot, orange, neroli
Gemstone: carnelian, red and brown aventurine
Balanced: grace, flexibility, and creativity
Unbalanced: Jealousy, guilt, shame of our body, and possessiveness
Sanskrit Name: Manipura
Location: 2 inches below the naval
Color: Yellow
Scent: Lemongrass, coriander, frankincense
Gemstone: Topaz, citrine, amber
Balanced: Comfortable with oneself, feelings of harmony and protection
Unbalanced: Depression and lack of self-confidence
Sanskrit Name: Anahata
Location: Heart
Color: Green
Scent: Ylang ylang and rose
Gemstone: Jade, green tourmaline, emerald, jade
Balanced: joy, love, gratitude, and compassion
Unbalanced: jealousy, abandonment, anger, loneliness, and bitterness
Sanskrit Name: Vishudda
Location: Throat
Color: Blue
Scent: Lime, sage, cedarwood
Gemstone: Turquoise, blue agate, lapis lazuli
Balanced: freedom of expression, good communication skills
Unbalanced: Lack of self-expression, feelings of powerlessness, and loss of control
Sanskrit Name: Ajna
Location: Middle of the eyebrows
Color: Indigo
Scent: Lavender, geranium, jasmine
Gemstone: Sodalite, blue aventurine, lapis lazuli
Balanced: open and focused, find truth in life, and a spiritual connection to the world and people around us
Unbalanced: Moodiness, overly daydreaming, distrust
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
Location: Top of the head
Color: Purple
Scent: Sandalwood
Gemstone: Amethyst, clear quartz, selenite
Balanced: Ability to be present in the moment, trust in inner voice
Unbalanced: Depression, inability to learn